Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Social Security

As we continue to see "Baby Boomer" Americans retiring, it becomes increasingly important to protect our senior citizens once they decide to enjoy "their golden years". However, with the current health care bill seeking to ration care and cut parts of medicare by almost $500 billion, our senior citizens are finding it increasingly difficult to live in comfort during their later years. Right now, the current Social Security system is broken and bankrupt; the seniors in the system are seeing their benefits DECREASE while our government continues to INCREASE spending, taxes and inflation. The promises made to American workers that they would get the money back that they put in while employed, is no longer applicable. It costs younger workers more money per senior citizen than at any time in our history, and that number will continue to increase. The current "solutions" such as raising taxes on benefits and increasing the age of retirement do nothing to fix the system. Thus, here are some of my proposals to protect our seniors once they retire:

First, the imposition of taxes on Social Security benefits is illogical and detrimental, not to mention downright theft. We MUST work to ELIMINATE any and all taxes on Social Security benefits which will lead to an increase in their standards of living.

Second, it is imperative that we STOP wasteful spending of money in ALL sectors of our economy, but especially in Social Security. As such, I believe that we should mandate that all money paid into the Social Security system is used ONLY for Social Security and not other spending programs.

Third, like welfare, it is inherently unfair to reward those who do not pay into the system. As such, we should completely ELIMINATE all people from the Social Security system who have not previously paid into the system; this especially means that we do not offer Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.

As a young worker, I have seen the possibility of receiving Social Security when I retire diminish with each passing year. It is imperative that we provide young workers the same opportunities to live in comfort once they retire. We must allow workers to invest their money TAX FREE in a Social Security savings account. This would include allowing easier access to investing in the market by eliminating capital gains taxes and by reducing payroll taxes so that our workers have more money to invest in their futures.

Finally, we MUST stop the excessive and reckless spending coming out of Washington. Congress should focus the excess money on special interest projects on helping to fund Social Security and health care for seniors. Also, with the increasing retirement population of baby boomers, I would mandate that ANY money spent on Home Health, Hospice, Assisted Living facilities, etc, should be completely tax deductible so that more individuals will be able to retire in comfort.

Home Schooling

As a father who has witnessed the education, or lack thereof, of my children in our public schools, I understand the importance and necessity of viable alternatives and options for parents who seek the best education for their children. A growing and increasing viable option for educating our children, and one that I wholeheartedly support, is home schooling (my wife and I are considering home schooling our girls next year). As the Federal Government continues to intervene in our education system, the academic progress of our students is falling behind that of several third world nations! Therefore, I am completely committed to keeping home schooling a viable and practical alternative for American families.

We, as Americans, MUST be able to return the control of our education to our families. I agree with Rep. Ron Paul who seeks to INCREASE and advance tax credits for families through the Family Education Freedom Act. This would allow individuals income tax credit of up to $5000 (adjusted for inflation) for EVERY student to cover expenses and tuition associated with schooling (private, parochial and public), including but not limited too extracurricular activities and home schooling.

Second, our politicians should work to ensure parity for home school diplomas and allow home school students equal scholarship opportunities when entering colleges and universities. We must also work to guarantee the permanency of the
Department of Defense Home School Tier 1 Pilot Program which guarantees equal recruitment status for our home school children who wish to serve their country in our military.

Third, we MUST fight to keep the Federal Government, through the Department of Education, from regulating the activities and studies of home school students. This includes, but is not limited to, setting national standards and/or testing of home school students and families, enshrining a Home School Bill of Rights and guaranteeing that home school students will not be limited by the imposition of a national curriculum.

Fourth, as they do here in Nashville, home school families ought NOT to have to pay up to an additional $80 fee to the Metro Public School system for "permission" to educate or children at home. If our schools are failing to educate our children and our families exercise their right to home school their children, they should NOT be penalized for doing so. I would work to abolish this fee and any other "administrative" fee charged to home school families by our local government and the Department of Education.

Finally, I will ACTIVELY vote to OPPOSE any penalties or regulation on home school families by the Federal Government in an effort to undermine home schooling our students. It is up to American families to properly educate our children since they government fails miserably in this task, and we must ensure academic freedom throughout our nation for ALL families and ALL students.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Note to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

As an American and now as a candidate for the US House of Representatives, I want to send you this personal letter as someone who had family members in the Armed Forces.

Mr. President, your treatment of our military in Afghanistan is utterly reprehensible. I do not know whether you simply hate our military, whether you are trying to appease your radical Leftist base or whether you are so single-mindedly naive and ignorant, that you are not fit to be the Commander of Chief of our great Republic. It should not have taken you more than one day to answer the request by YOUR general, Bill McCrystal; yet, it took you several months to finally come to a "decision" on troop levels in Afghanistan. The General even asked you for 40,000 additional troops and you only gave him slightly over 31000; that is deplorable! It is BECAUSE of INDECISIVE COWARDS like yourself that our too many of our young men and women die in combat.

Now, you will come on national television, your speech already written for you on your teleprompter, to let the American people know that you have FINALLY made a decision about our troops. To make matters worse, you will then lecture us on the importance of the fight in which we are engaged! I know that the majority of Americans voted for you, but do you really think of us as being so stupid as to not know why we are fighting?

It is you, sir, whose Cabinet has renamed our War on Terror an "Overseas Contingency Operation"; it is your Cabinet that calls the events of 9/11 a "man-made disaster". It is YOU Mr. President who failed to address the shooting at Ft. Hood and then had the gall to speak to our troops on the tragedy of that day. It is YOU who has made a mockery of Sept. 11 by allowing terrorist mastermind of 9/11 to be given a trial in New York City; and it is YOU, sir, who has moved enemy combatants from Guantanamo Bay and afforded them the same Constitutional rights granted to American citizens!

Mr. President, your policies are disgraceful and I will do everything in my power to defeat your radical agenda when I am in Congress. Lest you forget, it is those same troops who you claim to "respect" that are dying so that you may be our President!

So, in conclusion Mr. President, the next time our military and our Commanding General ask for additional troops so that we can win the War in Afghanistan, GIVE HIM WHAT HE NEEDS! It shouldn't take you 3 months to decide your course of action...American Troops have died because of your ineptitude.

Sincerely yours,

Patrick Miranda

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Corruption and Transparency

American voters are skeptical of politicians in Washington because for far too long, our Congressional leaders believe that their seats of power and influence make them invincible and "above the law". Jim Cooper seems to have been a politician who has kept his nose out of trouble, yet, there are some key distinctions between our records on corruption and transparency in the government:

Most recently, Jim Cooper voted AGAINST the Rangel Amendment which would have stripped a sitting Congressman (who is embroiled in corruption charges and scandals) of his committee chairmanship. He voted in favor of Charlie Rangel, simply because his PARTY affiliation was more important that doing the right thing for the American people. I would have voted WITHOUT hesitation, or reservation, to remove Chairman Rangel from his position. For the sake of consistency, I would have also voted to throw out Governor Sanford in SC and ANY Republican that is involved with corrupt and/or dishonest activities. It is time that we, as politicians and Americans, put our party loyalties aside and actually FIGHT for the American people and strive to PRESERVE the dignity of the office that we seek.

My solution to this problem would be to begin impeachment charges against ANY and ALL politician that is known to have broken American laws simply because they are Congressional leaders. I would seek to make these leaders PAY BACK the American taxpayers for all of the money spent by this politician while in office. In Congressman Rangel's case, I would have asked him to repay all of his salary and bonuses to a school in need in his Harlem District. This would not only rid our Congress of a corrupt politician, but it would also benefit those who need help the most.

I would also seek to mandate that all Congressional activities are made public and COMPLETELY transparent so that our voters may be able to see what is going on in Washington. This includes ANY records of those Congressional leaders who are under investigation for illegal activities. Finally, if it is not already mandated, I would make it mandatory for our Congressional leaders and our President to dress in suits, coats, nice dresses, etc, when in the Halls of Congress or in the Oval Office. These are positions of respect and they deserve to be treated that way.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A fresh voice

I have been asked why I am running for Congress and my answer is simple: I believe that America is still a great nation but that we need news ideas, new voices, fresh faces and a fighting spirit in Congress. I am afraid that the greatest generation will be left without Medicare while my children will be left to foot the deficit created by our Federal government. Enough is enough!

My vision for America is that our nation is truly a "City Upon a Hill". The problem is the massive encroachment of government into every aspect of American lives and this creates a country with fewer freedoms.

I am running for office to protect and defend our American way of life...our freedoms and our liberties. I am running because I see the greatness of America in her people, NOT in the Federal Government. I understand that opportunity and growth are created by the free market and with American ingenuity. It is for these reasons that I am running to serve you in Congress.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Black Tuesday...for Democrats that is

My fellow Sons and Daughters of Liberty,

Tomorrow we will see the first shots fired in the war to take back our nation. We have overcome one obstacle by defeating the GOP in NY with their Leftist candidate; now, we must unite and get Doug Hoffman elected. Let's send a message not only to the Democrats in Congress, but also, to the party heads at GOP Central. Here is the message:

We want our country back! We want the Republic given to us by our Founding Fathers! We want limited government and free markets. We WANT to salvage the American dream. We can't do this with the current leadership in Washington OR in the Republican Party. While the Democrats veer more and more leftward, the National Republican Party wants to follow suit. Note to these people: WE THE PEOPLE are SICK and TIRED of moderates and Leftists destroying our nation! We will take our nation back...starting TOMORROW!

Voters in NJ, VA and NY, the choice is yours...continue on the same path which is ruining our Republic, or vote for candidates who will fight to restore our great nation. I send out my sincerest best wishes to Christie, McDonnell and Hoffman...let's roll!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A pledge

My fellow taxpayers,

I will make you a pledge and I would hope, that Cooper would be willing to do the same.

I WILL sign WITHOUT hesitation or reservation a "Taxpayers Bill of Rights". In this, I will pledge NOT to RAISE taxes on ANY class of Americans until the budget is balanced and the deficit is cut in half. Even after this, I will OPPOSE at all costs, any bill that levies unnecessary taxes on hard working Americans, small businesses and families that are struggling.

Finally, I will vote EVERY TIME to cut taxes across the board. If they don't like it, then I will offer a bill that will raise taxes ONLY on those who pass the higher tax laws in Washington!

Government of the people?

My fellow Patriots,

Today we learned that President Obama and the Democrats have been handsomely rewarding their BIGGEST donors with privileges not shared by us ORDINARY Americans. These big donors even have access to the Presidents advisors and input on policy decisions! How can we expect transparency in government when we don't even know the people who are affecting the decisions of our policy makers?! To make matters worse, how can these politicians honestly tell us that they represent the common American when they are admittedly beholden to special interest groups and HUGE campaign donors? This type of patronage must STOP!

I, Patrick Miranda, do pledge that I will not grant special access, especially with regards to policy decisions, to a SELECT FEW who have money. My campaign is about reforming the political system in Washington, and if the big donors don't like it, then that is tough! I will represent the people of the Tennessee Fifth District and the people of the United States...not the special interest groups who run Washington!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


For far too long we have heard our politicians in Washington talk about energy reform, but nothing has been done. They lecture us in the middle of a bad economy about the need to pass Cap and Trade legislation to fight Global Warming, which will cost the American taxpayer an additional $1,700 yearly in energy bills, and yet, they can not even prove that these steps will reduce so-called "harmful" CO2 emissions. Moreover, we keep sending billions of dollars to our enemies in the Middle East because of our dependence on foreign oil; these INSANE policies must end and be replaced by common sense approaches to insure sustainable American energy independence. Here are a few of my proposals to make this country more energy independent:

1. Completely end the policy of buying oil from the Middle East. America has more than adequate resources to sustain our fuel needs so that we SHOULD NOT rely on terrorist sympathizing nations for gas and oil. This not only allows these nations to fund terrorist activities with OUR money, but it allows OPEC to control the oil market without regard for the American consumer. We can do this by tapping into some of our oil reserves and investing in oil imports from friendly nations.

2. We MUST allow for offshore drilling and for drilling in ANWR (the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve). This would increase domestic production and create THOUSANDS of jobs for American workers. It would also make us self sufficient for our fuel needs RATHER than having to rely on exports from the Middle East. We MUST completely open up these areas to oil exploration and EXPEDITE the process of allowing PRIVATE companies to bid on these oil projects.

3. The Federal government MUST END the numerous restrictions placed on energy exploration; in other words, let the free markets dominate this energy exploration. Too many government regulations lead to less incentive and motivation for the creation of newer energy innovations. We must ALLOW the private sector to build newer and better coal and nuclear refineries which lead to cheaper energy alternatives while allowing us time to explore for even more environmentally friendly ways to be profitable yet eco-friendly.

4. We SHOULD make ALL resources within the United States available for PRINCIPLED exploration and research. The US has too many resources to have to rely on enemy nations to support our energy needs. The idea of "Drill here, drill now" is a good one which I support without hesitation. Nothing breeds success like allowing competition in this free market economy.

5. Work with our allies in the International Community to protect oil pipelines and reserves in friendly nations from outside harm or pressure from our enemies. We MUST allow for free market competition in other parts of the world in order to enhance our foreign relations status and to continue assuring American national security.

6. We MUST END harmful government regulations on companies with regard to stringent emissions standards. These standards are set by the international community and they are designed to slow American economic growth and expansion. Furthermore, the biggest international polluters are exempt from these stringent policies...if we have to abide by these stringent standards, then EVERY nation should have to abide by them as well.

7. Congress must provide rewards and incentives to companies that find useful alternative means of energy production such as newer nuclear power plants and hydrogen fuel cell technology. Encourage these companies to develop clean and effective energy resources that won't hurt Americans financially and will discourage the importing of oil from our enemies.

8. Encourage/promote the development of renewable resources with rewards, not unchecked funding. Allow the company/person who comes up with efficient wind and solar energy longer patent rights for their discovery. This promotes productive research because it doesn't allow for wasteful spending of our money.

9. Finally, we must allow the market based exploration (as opposed to government funding) of green renewable energy as an another alternative for satisfying our energy needs.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Middle Class

When President Obama ran for office, he promised not to raise any taxes on the Middle Class. Now that Americans drank that kool-aide, maybe we can get back to reality.

The truth is that if we pass Cap and Trade, it will cost the average family more than $1700 EXTRA dollars per year. This doesn't count the other bills that families must pay.

Now, if this healthcare plan passes, families are going to be required to pay upwards of $3000 in additional fees. Americans aren't being told of these additional taxes because the Congress knows that these bills could never pass if Americans knew the truth.

So to put it in perspective: a family here in America could have to pay over $4000 in extra taxes per year to the Federal Government. If a family makes $30,000 per year, that is already 1/8 of their income that goes to taxes (before ANY other expenses are taken out and other taxes are added).

This is going to destroy our working families and harm Americas middle class. It is absurd that the Congress feels the need to ram through legislation which will raise taxes on our middle class during this economic downturn.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Fixing the educational system in this country will NOT come from Capitol Hill. These politicians are so out of touch with their own districts that they probably have no idea of the actual state of their local school systems. Furthermore, too many of our politicians are linked to special interest educational unions, such as the NEA, and they are afraid of voting against their union voters. This must change...we MUST stop coddling our special interest groups and focus on actually EDUCATING our children. Here are my thoughts:

1. Keep the Federal Government OUT of the business of running our schools. Sure the Feds can set national standards that our kids should be able to reach, but they should really give adequate money to the states and let them run and fund the schools as they see fit. We should give these schools ALL that they need to provide a good education to their youth, but, at the same time, they need to be held accountable for their successes and FAILURES. Bottom line, the Federal government should give the local school districts what they need to succeed and then get out of the way!

2. We need to ABOLISH the NEA and completely scrap its influence in our schools. The fact that teacher tenure is more important than educating our youth is a primary reason that our schools are failing. Furthermore, the NEA needs to be audited and should be put on notice as an organization beholden to the most Leftist groups/politicians in our nation. The NEA should force its teachers to TEACH our children, or loose ANY and ALL funding that it receives from American tax payers.

3. We MUST end political correctness in our grade schools. If a student can't read AT or ABOVE his/her current grade level, then that student MUST either be held back or required to attend summer school or extra tutoring sessions in order to progress to the next grade level. We have got to quit allowing our students to advance if they aren't equipped to do so...if their feelings get hurt, then they can deal with it. I was told I made mistakes in school and I worked harder...we should tell kids they are wrong when they mess up and help them to do better; STOP the CODDLING.

4. We WILL take thuggery out of our schools. Far too often our students and teachers feel fearful when going to school; they feel as if they always have to be on guard in order to avoid physical harm. For this, there needs to be a ZERO tolerance rule...if you cause harm at school (selling drugs, buying weapons, excessive bullying), then you will be kicked out, PERIOD. You will be required to go to school, but you will be required to do so at a military school or somewhere similar where discipline is MANDATORY. Parents, you will be required to PAY at least part of the fee to enroll these hoodlums in schools like these...stop making our children suffer while we deal with your child. For all other offenses, we need to enforce, without fear of lawsuit, etc, a "three strike rule" for those who continually break the rules.

5. We need a VOUCHER system. We should allow parents to use the money they'd otherwise be paying in taxes to put their money in a voucher or in a TAX-FREE education fund for their children. They can use this voucher to attend the schools of their choice. If under performing schools fail, then so be it...competition will breed success.

6. EMPHASIZE and SUPPORT charter schools. President Obama shut down one in DC recently which forced primarily "inner-city" youth, who were preforming well, to attend schools in the DC school system...this is a TRAVESTY! We should reward schools, teachers and administrators who excel in their jobs and keep our students performing at top levels.

7. We must end busing. Local school districts ought to be allowed to determine if they want students bused to their schools from other areas of the city...the government needs to stay out of these choices. If local schools are failing, then it should be up to LOCAL officials and parents to FIX the schools...not the job of better performing school districts to take in additional students from these failing schools (this does not include students with vouchers).

8. Understand and support the needs of schools with Special Education courses. Make schools perform to the standards set forth by law, but take into account schools with special needs youth. Reward schools who have good special needs programs which not only educate but allow for greater social interaction with the youth they teach.

9. ESL classes are necessary, but we MUST insist on parents and students to learn the English language as quickly as possible. We should mandate how long a child can be in a ESL class...if, for example, the child hasn't learned sufficient English in 3 years, then they need complete English questions asked. Also, we MUST retool our curriculum to focus on Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, US History and Geography. We must also allow our students to take financial awareness courses in late grade school and high school which will teach them the basics of investing, earning and spending literacy so that they will learn the importance of money in their daily lives.

10. We MUST reward our teachers for good work. I advocate that we give a $3000 tax credit to teachers who complete the highest qualifications possible. We should also not tax bonuses and incentives given to teachers who excel in the classroom. If we want to keep our best teachers in the classroom, then we must do what we can to reward them for their good work.

Finally, STOP the motto "All children CAN learn". Rather, make it "All children WILL learn".

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is a major issue in America today. While Democrats and some Republicans seek "immigration reform" that will do nothing more than offer amnesty to more than 12 MILLION Illegal aliens, I support a different kind of immigration reform. During this time of economic downturn, we simply can not sustain an unchecked and massive influx of immigrants to this nation; not only are they taking jobs from unemployed Americans, not only are they dragging down the salaries of Americans by doing work more cheaply but also having open borders is a direct threat to American national security. As such, here are my proposals for Illegal Immigration reform:

- First and foremost, WE MUST close our border by whatever means necessary; this is NOT negotiable. I do support a border fence, but I also believe that we need increased funding in order to modernize and increase the presence of Border Patrol agents along the border with Mexico. This not only deters illegal aliens from flooding across our border, but it also helps us identify terrorists who seek to kill Americans. We should do the same thing along the Canadian border as well.

- We MUST support our Border Patrol Agents in their efforts to fight illegal immigration. We CAN NOT allow our Border Patrol agents to be prosecuted for defending our nation!

- All illegal immigrants in this country MUST leave this nation and be vetted for criminal history and health screenings. We can set up check points on either side of the border to make sure they pass the inspection to come to this country. While we simply don't have the manpower or resources to force illegals to do this, we WILL send back any illegal immigrant who has NOT passed through this process...we will ask to have them deported at the EXPENSE of THEIR government, NOT the American taxpayer. Once they have been vetted and identified, we can then give them a temporary work visa in order to work in this country.

By the end of the visa period, these immigrants MUST show progress toward learning the English language, obtaining gainful employment, and actively being part of the US naturalization process. Any one who fails to take those steps will not receive a renewal of their visa and will be deported. Anyone not wanting to become American would follow the current program for work-visas, IF work and visas are available. They would not be required to learn English or enter the naturalization process, but would be required to leave after the end of the visa or risk permanent ban from future visas. Anyone failing to voluntarily report to a border checkpoint within a designated time (90 - 120 days), or who over-stayed a visa, would be permanently banned from EVER receiving citizenship, work visa, or even future admittance into the United States. Those same violators would be immediately deported, without due process, once caught within the United States.

- We MUST make laws that punish employers who hire illegal immigrants to work in their companies. As long as they continue to pay the workers minimum wage, the wages for American workers WILL NOT increase.

- We WILL PASS a law denying sanctuary cities federal funding for aiding illegal immigrants

- We must deny most social services for illegals (unless they pay for these services)

- We must stop Mexico from interfering in our national discourse on immigration and make mexico pay to record and/or deport any illegal here from Mexico (this includes incarcerating any criminals)

- We must eliminate birthright citizenship for those who are either not married to Americans or who are unwilling to obey our immigration laws.

- Finally,
we MUST make it easier for workers to obtain work visas. Right now, the process is too expensive and too burdensome. We must also make it easier and faster to obtain citizenship for those who want to become Americans.

Friday, September 25, 2009

National Security

The basic premise of US National Security is to protect this nation and her people from ALL enemies foreign and domestic. In the past few months we have seen a startling dismantling of our National Defense capabilities. We MUST do whatever it takes to defend this nation. It doesn't matter to me if our enemies or "allies" don't like some of our actions, what matters is that the President and Congress does everything possible to keep Americans safe. So, here are a few of my proposals for the defense of our nation:

- We MUST maintain our missile defense capabilities in Europe and the United States in order to protect from incoming missile attacks. I will continue to SUPPORT funding for a missile defense shield and for further testing on all weapons designed to protect and defend our soldiers and our country.

- While I do NOT completely support all aspects of the Patriot Act, I do believe that we SHOULD maintain the right of our Federal authorities to monitor calls to/from suspected terrorists that are coming into this country. This is NOT a matter of civil liberties, this is a matter of national defense. We SHOULD NOT give civil liberties to those bent on the destruction of our nation.

- We MUST continue to set aside the necessary funding to modernize and build our military, their weapons and their defenses

- Although we CAN NOT be policemen for the world, I do believe in US military intervention ONLY when US National interests are threatened.

- We must protect those agencies and AGENTS who work to protect and defend our national security. We CAN NOT jeopardize these agencies simply for partisan political reasons...any politician who seeks to indict our CIA, FBI, NSA or any other agency simply for political gain WILL BE indicted for TREASON.

- We must do whatever is necessary to defend our border...which means CLOSING our borders to illegal aliens, drug cartels, gangs and terrorists who seek to hide in the United States.

- I SUPPORT military tribunals for captured enemy combatants. I also SUPPORT detaining prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. We must NOT, as some legislators have proposed, allow these captured enemy combatants to be given DUE PROCESS or to serve time in American jails!

- I DID NOT support the cutting of funds for the F-22 Raptors, to the contrary, I believe we should be building more machines designed to protect this nation.

- WE MUST wipe out those enemies who are bent on the destruction of America. We can not engage the enemy and then not finish what we started.

- WE NEED to support our allies, and most especially, provide unified and unwavering SUPPORT for Israel (albeit military or otherwise). We CAN NOT allow the Israeli's be attacked by those bent on the destruction of Israel and its allies.

- WE MUST NOT negotiate with terrorists, terrorist nations or nations who aid terrorists. We should be able to use force to destroy NUCLEAR REACTORS and other WMD that seek to destroy America and her allies.

- We MUST stop relying on the Middle East for oil. We can not keep funding those who supported the 9/11 Hijackers. The Saudi's ARE NOT our friends and we desperately need to find alternative fuel sources in order to end our dependence on foreign oil.

- We MUST close the debt gap with the Communist Chinese. We have got to figure out a way to keep more of our jobs here in the United States rather than allowing the Chinese to completely own American assets and interests.

- Finally, we NEED politicians to STOP pandering to the UN, OPEC and other foreign groups who do NOT have the interests of the USA in their minds. We MUST listen to our military commanders and give them the resources they need to adequately complete their missions.

My Plan for Governement Spending

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has already spent America into a 1.3 trillion dollar debt that we can not repay! Not only will our children and grandchildren be in debt of nearly $37,000 per person, but by the end of 2012, our debt will be greater than 12 TRILLION dollars!

We MUST reign in such reckless government spending. It is unfathomable to continue taking money from the American taxpayer when few jobs are created, home foreclosures are rising and our debt continues to increase!

My plan to reign in government spending is as follows:

First: We MUST hold our government officials accountable for their reckless spending. I will do this by proposing legislation that will identify by name ANY and ALL of the politicians who add EXCESSIVE earmarks and spending into the bills.

Second: We MUST not allow our government to continue bailing out big corporations or industries that are going bankrupt! We, as Americans, understand how to live and work within a budget, so should these companies. Rather than supporting those who are irresponsible, we must REWARD and INCENTIVIZE American businesses and citizens that are successful.

Third: We MUST stop the excessive influence of certain lobbyists and interest groups. I do not believe that they should cease participation in our government process, but I will ask that these companies be identified and fully vetted BEFORE they influence policy legislation. I will make a law dictating that any politician who seeks to add earmarks from a certain interest group, allow the American people to voice any concern or opposition for at least one week BEFORE the legislation comes to the floor for a vote. I will also look to propose a bill MANDATING that Congressional leaders reveal how much these interest groups and lobbyists paid them personally or donated to their campaigns.

Fourth: I believe that we should AUDIT the Federal Reserve to see where our money is going and how it is being spent.

Fifth: We MUST stop exorbitant PERSONAL spending by our Congressional leaders. Congress should ONLY be allowed to use taxpayer money for "business" related trips such as: meeting foreign leaders, returning to their districts, etc. ANY and ALL personal expenses MUST be paid out of the Congressional leaders personal account! There should be NO taxpayer money used for personal and/or recreational activities while on business trips. I will seek to pass a law mandating that politicians pay for their own personal outings, etc that are not directly related to their jobs. If we find that tax payer money has been spent on personal outings, etc, then the politicians will be required to pay back the American people.

Finally: We MUST force Congress to pass each year a BALANCED budget! In order to make sure this happens, I will oppose ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until the budget is balanced, and we see TRUE and SUSTAINED economic growth with measurable job creation for our unemployed workers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The United Nations

As we watch the charade happening in NYC, I am struck by the sheer lunacy of American policy with regards to the United Nations. I DETEST the UN as an organization run by tyrants, thugs, Marxists and terrorists all of whom are bent on the destruction of Israel and of the West. You don't believe me? Try this on for size:

First, we have the President of Libya (a terrorist) speaking for the UN today. Second, we have the Iranian President making a speech in front of the General Assembly (at least the Canadians have enough guts to walk out on the Iranian leader). These are only a few examples of the leaders speaking today in front of the UN, but both are terrorists, both hate the US and both want to destroy Israel (in the case of the Iranian president, he denied the Holocaust even happened!). How can we allow leaders who promote the destruction of the West into the United States, much less to speak in front of the United Nations?! This is an outrage.

To make matters worse, we now have the head of the UN lecturing the US on Global Climate change and carbon emissions. The UN wants the US to support a cap on not only CEO pay, but also on carbon emissions! They are seeking to actively push "cap and trade" on the American people. Such rank hypocrisy should be exposed by the American delegation but alas, they will be silent. We should point out that the TWO BIGGEST polluters of the earth, China and India, are EXEMPT from these same standards! Why, then, should they demand the US to participate in this program when they, themselves, will not?!

Here is what I propose in regards to the UN: first, until the UN starts supporting Israel, the US and the Western world, we MUST seek to move the United Nations OUT of the United States. Why should Americans be forced to pay taxes to support an organization that does NOT support America? Second, the United States is the largest financial contributor to the UN...this is absurd. Until the UN cleans up its corruption and bans terrorist regimes from sitting on the Council, then we MUST cut our funding from the United Nations. Finally, if none of these policies are enacted, then we should at least keep leaders from terrorist nations OUT of the United States.

Will this happen? It won't as long as we have the current batch of weak-kneed legislators in Congress. WE MUST start supporting American interests, or our Republic will be in grave, grave danger.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The time to demand answers is NOW! I am outraged that an organization that supposedly "helps" minority communities and gets roughly $800 million in stimulus dollars isn't roundly condemned by our President or members of Congress. What we have been witnessing is a completely corrupt and CRIMINAL enterprise. How can ACORN have have the audacity of saying they are helping their communities when they are giving advice on criminal activities to their members: more specifically, tax fraud, prostitution, human trafficking...this is HORRENDOUS!

Yet, the bigger story is that we MUST stop corruption in Washington DC. Groups like ACORN, run by those with very close ties to the President and other members of Congress that give millions of dollars in campaign money to these candidates, aren't usually examined/regulated by those who are supposed to serve the people of this nation. This tacit support of ACORN is a slap in the face to our communities and to the Constitution of the United States.

So, we MUST DEMAND accountability from our Representatives in Congress. We as a free society CAN NOT and MUST NOT allow for such vile actions from groups supported by tax payer money. The problem is that with a biased media and with politicians who are bent on keeping their power, holding these groups accountable seldom happens if not for the brave actions of TRUE reporters. The ACORN story keeps changing and the organization will inevitably change it's name in order to stay in business, but this shouldn't be the case! These groups, with there accomplices in the media, are bullying those who speak the truth about their organization and expose them for the CRIMINAL enterprises that they truly are.

Obama behaved exactly like ACORN when he fired Van Jones in the middle of the night. While attacking their critics, both the President and ACORN quietly got rid of those who were "distractions"...yet, they refuse to answer the questions as to WHY these people were fired and WHY they were allowed in these organizations or surrounding the President. I DEMAND ANSWERS because it is our right to know what is going on...with ACORN and other groups associated with Congressional leaders.

It seems strange that all of the sudden, after these allegations surfaced, that the President made a slight retreat away from ACORN claiming ignorance to their funding and to their actions...interesting because he used to work with ACORN. It is also a group funded by a major Democrat donor in George Soros. So, where is the accountability? Why did we have SEVEN Democrat Senators vote to still fund a group like ACORN? If we know that this is a criminal organization, wouldn't these Senators be duplicitous in these crimes? And why didn't the President say that he was OUTRAGED and DISGUSTED by what happened at ACORN?

These are questions that I want answered. These are questions that must be asked by our leaders....yet, many remain silent. The American people deserve better...we DESERVE true and honest leadership. Hopefully, the elections of 2010 will be a reminder that "We the People" still have power in America.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Liberty vs. Tyranny

On the back of Mark Levin's tremendous book "Liberty and Tyranny, a Conservative Manifesto" is a quote by President Abraham Lincoln. This is a very appropriate quote for the politics of this nation when Liberal Statists and Republican "Neo-Statists" are watching the demise of our great Republic.

Lincoln wrote: "We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for mean to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name-liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names-liberty and tyranny."

President Lincoln is in short criticizing BIG INTRUSIVE and Socialist government while supporting liberty and a free market system. Our politicians need to stop pandering to those who seek to redistribute our wealth and start focusing on making America an even freer and stronger free market nation. Unfortunately, while the Democratic Party believes in the "doing as they want with the other man's labor" the Republicans have been guilty of much of the same. Enough is enough! We must fight for the preservation of our values and the salvation of our Republic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea Party

I am proud of the over 1 million people who filled the streets of Washington DC in order to rally against the fiscal irresponsibility of this Administration and the Congress. This truly shows that Americans are willing to defend and protect this nation from politicians who are hellbent on ruining America. I thank God that these 1 million "racists" (as described by some Democrats) are rallying to bring America back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers. I, too, stand in solidarity with these brave men and women. I hope this sends a message to Congress...either listen to the people or get voted out!

Congress has forgotten that they serve US, not the other way around. Great work Tea Party express people! Let's continue to keep up pressure on Congress!

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years thoughts on 9/11/2001

We all know where we were or what we were doing the morning of Sept. 1, 2001. The night before, my college roommate and I sat down to watch Monday Night Football on ABC...we were laughing and having a good time...we never expected waking up to the horror that confronted us on Tuesday morning.

I won't elaborate on the events of 9/11 or reminisce about where I was and what was I doing. I won't mention my roller coaster of emotions, my tears and fears, my anger and my pride. I am so thankful that we had President Bush as our leader during this time...I know that God puts great men in positions of leadership in the right moments, and, despite his other flaws, Bush was the right man at the right time for America. His steady hand, his bravery, his resolve and his obvious love for America was a comfort to me during our darkest hours.

The thing I remember most (and one of my most touching moments), however, is that my father, an American citizen who was born in Chile, said that for the first time on 9/11 he felt truly American. He has always loved this country and all of the great things it had provided for he and his family, but now, he, like so many of us rose up and declared himself first and foremost an American.

Out of the ashes, America rose like a Phoenix. We were strong, united and dedicated to the eradication of evil in our world. Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten what it felt like on 9/11...what it felt like to be attacked, but more importantly, what it felt like to stand united in defense of our nation.

Today, President Obama has declared a national day of service. Rather than honoring and remembering those who died in 9/11 and the heroes who died protecting our country, we are now supposed to focus on "Community organizing". This is an appalling affront to Americans like myself who already see this administration as one which doesn't truly appreciate what it means to be Americans.

So, for the sake of President Obama and all other Americans, I will say this:

Thank God for America. Thank God for allowing us to live in the greatest and freest nation in the world. I am more proud than words can say to be living in the USA, and I ALWAYS have been (unlike our President's wife). This is the greatest nation on earth....the greatest nation in the history of mankind.

The greatness of America was shown to the world on 9/11/2001 not by any leader or major figure in our was reflected in the firefighters, police officers, EMT's and any of the other brave men and women, who when faced with terror, darkness and iminent death, ran into burning and collapsing buildings to save their fellow citizens. It was reflected in those men and women who took a moment to pray for their co-workers...knowing that in death, they could help others achieve eternal Salvation. It was reflected in one message recorded by Todd Beamer when he said "Let's roll" and helped take down a plane before it crashed into the White House. It was those brave Americans who fought back, who refused to succumb to the wishes of those bent on our was the bravey of these people that reminded me of the bravery of our soldiers, the of "Boys of Ponte du Hoc" on Normandy Beach, the men who stood in defiance at the bridge in Lexington and Concord and died defending our country and our freedom.

This is what I reflect upon during this anniversary of 9/11. I am reminded of the courage and bravery of our leaders, and, more importantly, of our people. I am truly proud to be an American. I will never forget; I will never stop fighting for our nation; I will always REMEMBER.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The CIA and our enemies

To the members of our Intelligence Community:

I support YOU completely and I can't thank you enough for the great work you do on a daily basis to keep up safe and free. Contrary to what our President and the Democrats in Congress think, the terrorists, NOT you all, are the enemies of this nation!

I am not sorry for what you do to defend this nation. I support your tactics for getting information from our enemies. I am appalled that our Congressional leaders are speaking up louder for you all...our heroes and protectors.

Well, you have my unbridled support. I am NOT sorry that the terrorists got waterboarded. I am not sorry that you defend America and her people. I am not sorry that the terrorists don't receive the same treatment as American citizens. I am NOT sorry for America!

Thank you for all you do. Rest assured that when I am in Congress, you will have no greater supporter than myself. Republicans, who have remained silent on this issue, SHAME ON YOU...I expected more from the party of Ronald Reagan.

Keep up the good work and Godspeed!

Friday, August 28, 2009


My fellow voters:

I might post this again, but let me tell you what the United States of America means to me:

With deference to President Reagan, I will borrow 2 of his analogies and then give a few thoughts of my own...he said that America "is a shining city upon a hill" and I agree with him. Here's why:

There has never been a country like America. We are a great nation, a nation of people who have been discounted, spit upon, exiled, punished and over-regulated. We are a nation that "shocked the world" and defeated the most powerful military in the world during the American Revolution. We were common, business owners, fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, laborers, all united for one cause...the cause of freedom. We became the hope for all mankind and we still are.

Our nation fought a brutal civil war that would have torn apart any other nation on earth...but through the wisdom of our leaders and the Divine hand of Providence, we eventually united as a nation...battered, but all of us, American. We fought against racism and won. We fought for womens rights, and won. We fought 2 World Wars and we won them both. Americans have fought both on our land and foreign land to protect those who seek freedom...our brave men and women have died, fighting for what makes America so great. We have freed nations and given freedom to millions of people throughout the world. We are the only nation on earth to have a Constitution that has endured for so long and remains an example for Democratic Republics everywhere. We are a nation of people, blessed by God and united by a common cause: freedom.

President Reagan, as we know, gave many great speeches...all of them memorable. But there was one story, one line in particular that defined for me what the world truly thinks about our great nation (story abbreviated):

It was at the height of the boat people. Our Navy was patrolling off the waters in the Pacific and they saw some people in a boat and went to help them. One of the men on the boat called out: "Hello, American Sailor. Hello, Freedom man". Those last 2 words say it all..."Freedom man".

Our nation is brand new in the history of mankind, yet we have sacrificed so much and contributed so much more for the betterment of humanity. We are all Americans, we are all "freedom men". After the attack of 9/11, my father, an immigrant, told me that he truly felt American and that our enemies needed to be defeated. Our nation rose as a whole to defeat the attack on the fundamental value of America...our freedom. We rose, as Americans.

My friends, this is OUR America. We are the greatest nation in the world...the envy of mankind. People don't die trying to leave our country, they die trying to come here. We are the only country who can say that we have defeated Fascism, Nazism, Totalitarianism and Communism...yes we had help, the help of many great friends and allies...but it was America, her soldiers, her spirit, her people and her ingenuity that made the world a safer place. Which other country in the world is as diverse as the USA, let alone New York City? Which nation can assimilate so many different people and become stronger as a result?

President Reagan was right, America is truly a shining city upon a hill. But for me, America is home....we are the last great hope for mankind. For me, and millions of others, America is freedom.

God bless our nation and God bless you all.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

IRS and the healthcare bill (HR 3200)

My fellow Tennesseans,

Many of you know about my firm opposition to the HR3200 Healthcare bill that is being passed through Congress (against the will of the American people of both parties). Along with the many, many serious problems in the bill, one part in particular stands out to that is a DIRECT and EXPLICIT violation of our privacy laws. Please check the link below and join me in my fight to derail government funded healthcare before it can be rammed through Congress.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cap and Trade

My fellow Tennesseans,

A quick update on the Waxman/Markey Climate bill (aka, Cap and trade). This plan to enforce yet more taxes on the people of this nation will eliminate, according to some estimates, several thousand jobs in our state. Already, we know that it will affect the functionings of the TVA and our farmers. If Congress continues to past bills that increase taxes on energy, that will hurt EVERY consumer; some reports have an average American household paying more than $1200 ADDITIONAL dollars a month for electricity in their houses! With unemployment at almost 10%, taking this much additional income away from average Americans is a travesty! There are better and more efficient ways to create an efficient energy policy (which I will outline later). My opponent originally voted for the Cap and Trade bill in Congress...he voted party line rather than for the interest of our state. Rest assured, that if any bill caused thousands of Tennesseans to lose their jobs, then I would fight extra hard to protect these hard working Americans. Jim Cooper should do the same.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Novel idea...give it BACK to the PEOPLE

My friends,

Today, I heard a report that in a short time, the federal deficit will be at $11.3 trillion, which roughly translates to $37,000 for EVERY American.

First of all, it is appalling that EVERY American will either be in debt, or be behind, $37,000 because the government can not control its spending! But, I have a solution:

How about make a law that says since our deficit would be the equivalent of $37,000 for each American, why not just give a $37,000 check to each American?! Not only would this stimulate the economy, but it would also help those who need help the most.

I know this is not feasible because it is money we now owe, but rather than spending so much on failed Liberal programs, why not give the money back to the American people? After all, it is the government who is stealing from the American taxpayer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Options for fixing healthcare

My fellow voters,

We have heard Congress throw around ideas about how to fix the American health care system. They have offered bills dealing with a "public option" and now a "co-op" option, but I support neither of these plans.

Let me begin by saying that everyone should be able to buy healthcare insurance that is cost effective and provides excellent coverage. We should be able to find a way to cover the "uninsurable", but we MUST NOT blow up the best health care system in the world. We must get government out of this debate! We know that the governments track record on Medicare, Medicaid, Cash for Clunkers, the Stimulus and Social Security has been one of abject failure. If you were a business owner, would you let someone run your business who failed (went bankrupt) every time they tried to run a program? Why then, would we let the government run our health care? Here are my solutions for fixing health care in America:

First, the government should not force people to buy health insurance if they don't want it. It is NOT an issue of interstate commerce, it is simply unconstitutional and a gross overreach of government power. This being said, if people choose NOT to have health insurance, then they will be forced to pay for their medical care out of their own pocket...not out of the pockets of the American tax payers.

Second, we must ELIMINATE any and all illegal aliens from obtaining this government run healthcare. We should primarily focus on insuring LEGAL American citizens instead of saturating the system with those who break the law to enter this country.

Third, I support a TAX FREE health savings account...without ANY government interference or regulation.

Fourth, we MUST give tax breaks or tax incentives to private companies who offer affordable insurance to all who want it. Free market competition is the way to keep cost down, but we should incentivize companies to make health insurance affordable.

Fifth, we must not penalize small businesses for not insuring their workers or else we risk making these businesses go bankrupt.

Sixth, we must allow for portability of insurance plans. In other words, if someone has insurance in Tennessee but needs access to medical care OUTSIDE of the state, then they should be allowed to be covered under their plan, regardless of where they are located.

Seventh, we MUST have TORT reform. We must protect our doctors (and our patients as well) from frivolous lawsuits which significantly drive up the cost of health care. We can no longer pander to special interest groups, trial lawyers in this case, if we truly want to fix the problem of health care.

Eighth, we should incentivize and reward insurers who DROP their "pre-existing conditions" rules. We must make this fair to both the consumer and the insurance company.

Ninth, the American tax payer must not be forced to pay for government funded abortions and/or end of life counseling for patients.

Finally, I would mandate that the Congress be forced to accept the same health care that they are forcing on the American people. There will be no allowing our politicians to "opt out" of the current health care bill that they are trying to pass.

My friends, please understand that I will oppose any bill that encourages government involvement in our health care system. We need to reform our health care, but we must not allow the government to interfere in the American free market system.

Thank you for reading and God Bless you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Some ideas for Congress

I believe that the best way to hold Congress accountable for their actions, or inaction as the case may be, is three fold:

First, I will press for term limits for Congress. I believe that House members should serve no more than four 2-year terms (8 years in total) and Senators no more than two 6-year terms (12 years total). This is important because it prevents these members of Congress from becoming too comfortable in their positions and, consequently, to lose touch with their constituents. I pledge, as your candidate for the 5th District of TN, to serve no more than 8 years in the house. I will be a fierce advocate for term limits and I will abide by them myself.

Second, I strongly OPPOSE any increase in Congressional pay. Why should members of Congress be able to earn more money when the economy is failing, unemployment is rising and they have spend our nation into a 1.3 TRILLION dollar deficit. If they punish the American people with their idiotic policies, then they themselves should NOT be rewarded for their failures! Until Congress can balance the budget, cut the deficit in half and put people back to work, they don't deserve a pay raise and I will vote against it in the House. If I lose this vote, I will do my best to take the amount of the raise and give it back to the 5th District of Nashville or to charity.

Three, I will hold open town hall forums for the voters; I won't do it by invitation only and I won't invite only a select few. I am running to serve my district, to serve ALL of its constituents...thus, I will hold town halls in bigger forums where more people can attend. Also, I will give voters my personal e-mail so that they may have better access to me and to the issues. I will do my best to hold at least 1 town hall meeting upon each return to Nashville and to answer your concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. After all, I am here to serve YOU, not the other way around.

My friends, these are only a few of my proposals, but they are at the heart of my campaign. Politicians in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, have become too accustomed to serving themselves and following the status quo, rather than listening to the concerns of the voters. Nothing has been more evident of this, than the HUGE deficit spending, the stimulus bill that benefited big corporations but not small businesses and, of course, the current debate on healthcare. We need a better way to hold our politicians accountable, and I hope, my policies will serve as a catalyst to better serve the voters, not our cronies, lobbyists or fellow Congressional leaders.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Being "un-American"

Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer wrote in a USA today article that anyone who not only opposed this healthcare monstrosity but also attended town hall meetings and voiced their opposition to the bill, were "un-American".

Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer...since no politician of either party has enough courage to speak out in defense of the American people, I will do it for you.

Americans who attend these town hall meetings and voice their concerns about your healthcare bill are NOT "un-American". If anything, these people represent what makes America the greatest nation ever created...and that is their rights, under the First Amendment of the Constitution, to have the Freedom to speak and to assemble peacefully. And, with the exception of SEIU members, they have gathered peacefully. In my mind, nothing is more American than dissent...and it should be your responsibility as someone elected to represent to people, to LISTEN to what Americans are saying.

Congressman Hoyer and Speaker Pelosi, this is not the first disparaging remark you have made about the American people. I demand an apology and if you continue to call Americans who disagree with you "anti-American", then it is you who need to be removed from office!

More reckless spending of OUR money...

My fellow voters,

Today, we got a report from the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) which stated that the United States increased its debt by $181 Billion dollars in July alone. This increase in spending pushed our economy to over $1.3 Trillion in debt! That is NOT fiscal responsibility. At this rate, Congressional spending will saddle the American taxpayer with over $10.3 Trillion in debt before President Obama is out of office. My simple question for our politicians is how are we going to pay for this debt? Why are you spending so much money that our children and grandchildren will grow up having to pay for our recklessness! The irresponsible spending has got to stop. Today, however, I read additional reports that ANGERED me even more than the Stimulus spending....these examples will show how out of touch the politicians are with the American taxpayer. They have already hit the TVA hard, so who will be next?

The first issue of this reckless spending comes directly from Speaker Pelosi. In a Wall Street Journal column from August 10, 2009, Nanacy Pelosi and company proposed to spend an additional $550 MILLION of our hard earned money. What does she want to spend it on? She wants to use this spending on additional passenger jets for Congressional travel! There is NO reason for this exorbitant spending, and I will stand in staunch opposition to any bill like this that comes to the floor of Congress.

The second issue of concern is that the White House has asked Congress to approve a measure to increase the Federal Debt Limit to $12.1 Million Dollars!!! If the stimulus package worked as promised, why do we need to increase our debt limit? Why is our debt going to be more than $10 Trillion dollars?! As more Americans continue to declare bankruptcy, our Congress continues to spend with reckless abandon. This is NOT the type of fiscal responsibility that America needs to blossom in the next decades.

Third, we have Congressional leaders from BOTH parties who are using tax payer money for "business related travel". While costing the tax payers $500,000, a recent group of politicians flew to a foreign country to discuss the effects of global warming. While there, they were photographed snorkeling and spending our money on activities UNRELATED to their jobs. We have another group who are prepared to fly to the UK for a meeting with Parliament (but what else are they going to do while there?). My proposal would be to make certain that any travel expenses for business purposes are used for just For example, Congress won't be meeting with Parliament for a whole week, so they should be forced to make the trip shorter. If they refuse, then I will propose that for all the money a politician spends of taxpayer money for additional outings should be repayed to the American taxpayer. If politicians want to do other activities while traveling, that is fine, but they should use their own money for non work-related junkets. This will help to reign in needless government travel and save the taxpayers money that they worked so hard to earn.

Now, the Obama administration and Congress wants to push this healthcare bill down our throats. After passing Cap and Trade (which Congressman Cooper supported), this healthcare bill will increase costs another $1.3 Trillion. America can't afford it and we are mad as hell!! If we have to live on a budget, Congress should do the same.

My proposals to counter these measures are as follows:

First, I will steadfastly OPPOSE ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until Congress reins in its spending. This will include balancing the budget and growing the economy through the creation of private sector jobs and tax cuts for each income earner.

Second, we need to post PUBLICLY which politicians place pork in specific bills and with the amounts that they are spending. Then, we need to pass a law limiting, if not eliminating completely, needless government earmarks and spending. If we are discussing a bill on education, for example, we do not need to place in the bill a measure to protect the Tennessee Snail Darter fish! We should immediately vote to impeach any politician in grave violation of these finance rules, including members of my own party.

Third, I will make a proposal to audit the IRS and the Fed. If the American people are forced to pay taxes and are punished for excess spending, the Federal Government should do the same.

These are a few of the steps we need to take to reform Washington DC. Our politicians have spent us into massive debt and its time for them to take responsibility for their irresponsibility. Enough is enough. I ask each of you to stand with me as I fight for the people of America and of the 5th Congressional District. This will be a tough fight as Congress has never met a spending bill it didn't like...but this is a fight that needs to be won. I intend to fight it and I intend to WIN!

God Bless all of you. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to making America the greatest nation on earth.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We the people...

My friends,

For the past week or so, Americans have flocked to town hall meetings to protest the terrible healthcare bill currently being proposed by Congress. However, some of our opponents label these citizens as wackos, and the House Speaker even went so far as to say that those of us who attend these meetings carry Swastikas. There is nothing more quintessentially American than our First Amendment rights to Assemble and to Speak. Yet, there are those who believe our voices should be silent just because we disagree with their positions on these issues. While the majority of the gathered have done so peacefully, a handful of Leftist thugs have turned violent, even beating a man with whom they disagreed. This is NOT peaceful dissent nor the American way!

What makes me even more upset than all of this however, is three-fold: First, the Obama White House has sent out an e-mail to his supporters asking them to "turn in" citizens that disagree with his healthcare bill. This is a very, very blatant attempt to silence "WE THE PEOPLE". The second thing that upsets me is that many of our Congressmen have not even read the bill that they are trying to pass into law! This is a travesty! You would think that our elected representatives would actually read the bills that they want to pass onto the American public. Rest assured, that I will read the bills that are presented to Congress and I will present its details to the people of the 5th District. Lastly, many of our elected officials, Congressman Cooper included, either refuse to meet with the voters or refuse to set a specific time, date and place to meet in order to hear our concerns!

My fellow voter, I will never shy away from meeting with you. I will not hide behind veiled rhetoric and I will welcome dissent and questions. This is why politicians are serve "WE THE PEOPLE". I hope you will give me an opportunity to defend our Constitution and to serve you in Congress as your humble servant.

Thank you all for your interest and your time. God bless you all.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Why I am running for Congress

My fellow citizens of District 5:

I am running for U.S Congress not because I seek power or fame, but because, as an American and as a father, I fear for the future of our great nation.

The United States Congress, both under President Bush and now under President Obama, have passed "stimulus" packages through Congress that were supposed to bolster the American economy. Unfortunately, in their desire to pass these ENORMOUS spending bills, fiscal discipline was thrown out the window. Congress spent billions, BILLIONS, of our money to bail out corporations that were failing and in turn, crippled the American economy. With their continued out of control spending, our generation and our kids generation will be saddled with enormous debt that we simply won't be able to repay. One of the spending proposals in the stimulus bill, for example, was a $16 million tax payer funded protection for the San Francisco Marsh Mouse! This type of earmark spending is ABSURD and it MUST stop. I believe that private enterprise, tax cuts and less government spending is a surefire way to once again grow the American economy. We need new and bold ideas; we need politicians who will stand up to Congress and say, ENOUGH ALREADY!

As you will continue to read in subsequent blogs, I will address a wide variety of issues and list my position on each of them. Bottom line, I love America. It is the greatest nation ever created in the history of humankind. It is, as President Ronald Reagan once reaffirmed, "A Shining City Upon a Hill". There is nothing greater than American ingenuity, American goodness; there is nothing better than to live the American Dream. But we must do this without excessive interference from our government, or we will leave America far worse than it is today. I know our future is as bright as ever and I will do everything in my power to give future generations of Americans even more opportunities than we have today.

I hope to continue to be your humble and dedicated servant as we, together, go to Washington to preserve our union and keep America strong for generations to come.

Thank you for your interest and support.