Monday, August 31, 2009

The CIA and our enemies

To the members of our Intelligence Community:

I support YOU completely and I can't thank you enough for the great work you do on a daily basis to keep up safe and free. Contrary to what our President and the Democrats in Congress think, the terrorists, NOT you all, are the enemies of this nation!

I am not sorry for what you do to defend this nation. I support your tactics for getting information from our enemies. I am appalled that our Congressional leaders are speaking up louder for you all...our heroes and protectors.

Well, you have my unbridled support. I am NOT sorry that the terrorists got waterboarded. I am not sorry that you defend America and her people. I am not sorry that the terrorists don't receive the same treatment as American citizens. I am NOT sorry for America!

Thank you for all you do. Rest assured that when I am in Congress, you will have no greater supporter than myself. Republicans, who have remained silent on this issue, SHAME ON YOU...I expected more from the party of Ronald Reagan.

Keep up the good work and Godspeed!

Friday, August 28, 2009


My fellow voters:

I might post this again, but let me tell you what the United States of America means to me:

With deference to President Reagan, I will borrow 2 of his analogies and then give a few thoughts of my own...he said that America "is a shining city upon a hill" and I agree with him. Here's why:

There has never been a country like America. We are a great nation, a nation of people who have been discounted, spit upon, exiled, punished and over-regulated. We are a nation that "shocked the world" and defeated the most powerful military in the world during the American Revolution. We were common, business owners, fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, laborers, all united for one cause...the cause of freedom. We became the hope for all mankind and we still are.

Our nation fought a brutal civil war that would have torn apart any other nation on earth...but through the wisdom of our leaders and the Divine hand of Providence, we eventually united as a nation...battered, but all of us, American. We fought against racism and won. We fought for womens rights, and won. We fought 2 World Wars and we won them both. Americans have fought both on our land and foreign land to protect those who seek freedom...our brave men and women have died, fighting for what makes America so great. We have freed nations and given freedom to millions of people throughout the world. We are the only nation on earth to have a Constitution that has endured for so long and remains an example for Democratic Republics everywhere. We are a nation of people, blessed by God and united by a common cause: freedom.

President Reagan, as we know, gave many great speeches...all of them memorable. But there was one story, one line in particular that defined for me what the world truly thinks about our great nation (story abbreviated):

It was at the height of the boat people. Our Navy was patrolling off the waters in the Pacific and they saw some people in a boat and went to help them. One of the men on the boat called out: "Hello, American Sailor. Hello, Freedom man". Those last 2 words say it all..."Freedom man".

Our nation is brand new in the history of mankind, yet we have sacrificed so much and contributed so much more for the betterment of humanity. We are all Americans, we are all "freedom men". After the attack of 9/11, my father, an immigrant, told me that he truly felt American and that our enemies needed to be defeated. Our nation rose as a whole to defeat the attack on the fundamental value of America...our freedom. We rose, as Americans.

My friends, this is OUR America. We are the greatest nation in the world...the envy of mankind. People don't die trying to leave our country, they die trying to come here. We are the only country who can say that we have defeated Fascism, Nazism, Totalitarianism and Communism...yes we had help, the help of many great friends and allies...but it was America, her soldiers, her spirit, her people and her ingenuity that made the world a safer place. Which other country in the world is as diverse as the USA, let alone New York City? Which nation can assimilate so many different people and become stronger as a result?

President Reagan was right, America is truly a shining city upon a hill. But for me, America is home....we are the last great hope for mankind. For me, and millions of others, America is freedom.

God bless our nation and God bless you all.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

IRS and the healthcare bill (HR 3200)

My fellow Tennesseans,

Many of you know about my firm opposition to the HR3200 Healthcare bill that is being passed through Congress (against the will of the American people of both parties). Along with the many, many serious problems in the bill, one part in particular stands out to that is a DIRECT and EXPLICIT violation of our privacy laws. Please check the link below and join me in my fight to derail government funded healthcare before it can be rammed through Congress.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cap and Trade

My fellow Tennesseans,

A quick update on the Waxman/Markey Climate bill (aka, Cap and trade). This plan to enforce yet more taxes on the people of this nation will eliminate, according to some estimates, several thousand jobs in our state. Already, we know that it will affect the functionings of the TVA and our farmers. If Congress continues to past bills that increase taxes on energy, that will hurt EVERY consumer; some reports have an average American household paying more than $1200 ADDITIONAL dollars a month for electricity in their houses! With unemployment at almost 10%, taking this much additional income away from average Americans is a travesty! There are better and more efficient ways to create an efficient energy policy (which I will outline later). My opponent originally voted for the Cap and Trade bill in Congress...he voted party line rather than for the interest of our state. Rest assured, that if any bill caused thousands of Tennesseans to lose their jobs, then I would fight extra hard to protect these hard working Americans. Jim Cooper should do the same.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Novel idea...give it BACK to the PEOPLE

My friends,

Today, I heard a report that in a short time, the federal deficit will be at $11.3 trillion, which roughly translates to $37,000 for EVERY American.

First of all, it is appalling that EVERY American will either be in debt, or be behind, $37,000 because the government can not control its spending! But, I have a solution:

How about make a law that says since our deficit would be the equivalent of $37,000 for each American, why not just give a $37,000 check to each American?! Not only would this stimulate the economy, but it would also help those who need help the most.

I know this is not feasible because it is money we now owe, but rather than spending so much on failed Liberal programs, why not give the money back to the American people? After all, it is the government who is stealing from the American taxpayer.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Options for fixing healthcare

My fellow voters,

We have heard Congress throw around ideas about how to fix the American health care system. They have offered bills dealing with a "public option" and now a "co-op" option, but I support neither of these plans.

Let me begin by saying that everyone should be able to buy healthcare insurance that is cost effective and provides excellent coverage. We should be able to find a way to cover the "uninsurable", but we MUST NOT blow up the best health care system in the world. We must get government out of this debate! We know that the governments track record on Medicare, Medicaid, Cash for Clunkers, the Stimulus and Social Security has been one of abject failure. If you were a business owner, would you let someone run your business who failed (went bankrupt) every time they tried to run a program? Why then, would we let the government run our health care? Here are my solutions for fixing health care in America:

First, the government should not force people to buy health insurance if they don't want it. It is NOT an issue of interstate commerce, it is simply unconstitutional and a gross overreach of government power. This being said, if people choose NOT to have health insurance, then they will be forced to pay for their medical care out of their own pocket...not out of the pockets of the American tax payers.

Second, we must ELIMINATE any and all illegal aliens from obtaining this government run healthcare. We should primarily focus on insuring LEGAL American citizens instead of saturating the system with those who break the law to enter this country.

Third, I support a TAX FREE health savings account...without ANY government interference or regulation.

Fourth, we MUST give tax breaks or tax incentives to private companies who offer affordable insurance to all who want it. Free market competition is the way to keep cost down, but we should incentivize companies to make health insurance affordable.

Fifth, we must not penalize small businesses for not insuring their workers or else we risk making these businesses go bankrupt.

Sixth, we must allow for portability of insurance plans. In other words, if someone has insurance in Tennessee but needs access to medical care OUTSIDE of the state, then they should be allowed to be covered under their plan, regardless of where they are located.

Seventh, we MUST have TORT reform. We must protect our doctors (and our patients as well) from frivolous lawsuits which significantly drive up the cost of health care. We can no longer pander to special interest groups, trial lawyers in this case, if we truly want to fix the problem of health care.

Eighth, we should incentivize and reward insurers who DROP their "pre-existing conditions" rules. We must make this fair to both the consumer and the insurance company.

Ninth, the American tax payer must not be forced to pay for government funded abortions and/or end of life counseling for patients.

Finally, I would mandate that the Congress be forced to accept the same health care that they are forcing on the American people. There will be no allowing our politicians to "opt out" of the current health care bill that they are trying to pass.

My friends, please understand that I will oppose any bill that encourages government involvement in our health care system. We need to reform our health care, but we must not allow the government to interfere in the American free market system.

Thank you for reading and God Bless you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Some ideas for Congress

I believe that the best way to hold Congress accountable for their actions, or inaction as the case may be, is three fold:

First, I will press for term limits for Congress. I believe that House members should serve no more than four 2-year terms (8 years in total) and Senators no more than two 6-year terms (12 years total). This is important because it prevents these members of Congress from becoming too comfortable in their positions and, consequently, to lose touch with their constituents. I pledge, as your candidate for the 5th District of TN, to serve no more than 8 years in the house. I will be a fierce advocate for term limits and I will abide by them myself.

Second, I strongly OPPOSE any increase in Congressional pay. Why should members of Congress be able to earn more money when the economy is failing, unemployment is rising and they have spend our nation into a 1.3 TRILLION dollar deficit. If they punish the American people with their idiotic policies, then they themselves should NOT be rewarded for their failures! Until Congress can balance the budget, cut the deficit in half and put people back to work, they don't deserve a pay raise and I will vote against it in the House. If I lose this vote, I will do my best to take the amount of the raise and give it back to the 5th District of Nashville or to charity.

Three, I will hold open town hall forums for the voters; I won't do it by invitation only and I won't invite only a select few. I am running to serve my district, to serve ALL of its constituents...thus, I will hold town halls in bigger forums where more people can attend. Also, I will give voters my personal e-mail so that they may have better access to me and to the issues. I will do my best to hold at least 1 town hall meeting upon each return to Nashville and to answer your concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. After all, I am here to serve YOU, not the other way around.

My friends, these are only a few of my proposals, but they are at the heart of my campaign. Politicians in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, have become too accustomed to serving themselves and following the status quo, rather than listening to the concerns of the voters. Nothing has been more evident of this, than the HUGE deficit spending, the stimulus bill that benefited big corporations but not small businesses and, of course, the current debate on healthcare. We need a better way to hold our politicians accountable, and I hope, my policies will serve as a catalyst to better serve the voters, not our cronies, lobbyists or fellow Congressional leaders.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Being "un-American"

Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer wrote in a USA today article that anyone who not only opposed this healthcare monstrosity but also attended town hall meetings and voiced their opposition to the bill, were "un-American".

Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer...since no politician of either party has enough courage to speak out in defense of the American people, I will do it for you.

Americans who attend these town hall meetings and voice their concerns about your healthcare bill are NOT "un-American". If anything, these people represent what makes America the greatest nation ever created...and that is their rights, under the First Amendment of the Constitution, to have the Freedom to speak and to assemble peacefully. And, with the exception of SEIU members, they have gathered peacefully. In my mind, nothing is more American than dissent...and it should be your responsibility as someone elected to represent to people, to LISTEN to what Americans are saying.

Congressman Hoyer and Speaker Pelosi, this is not the first disparaging remark you have made about the American people. I demand an apology and if you continue to call Americans who disagree with you "anti-American", then it is you who need to be removed from office!

More reckless spending of OUR money...

My fellow voters,

Today, we got a report from the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) which stated that the United States increased its debt by $181 Billion dollars in July alone. This increase in spending pushed our economy to over $1.3 Trillion in debt! That is NOT fiscal responsibility. At this rate, Congressional spending will saddle the American taxpayer with over $10.3 Trillion in debt before President Obama is out of office. My simple question for our politicians is how are we going to pay for this debt? Why are you spending so much money that our children and grandchildren will grow up having to pay for our recklessness! The irresponsible spending has got to stop. Today, however, I read additional reports that ANGERED me even more than the Stimulus spending....these examples will show how out of touch the politicians are with the American taxpayer. They have already hit the TVA hard, so who will be next?

The first issue of this reckless spending comes directly from Speaker Pelosi. In a Wall Street Journal column from August 10, 2009, Nanacy Pelosi and company proposed to spend an additional $550 MILLION of our hard earned money. What does she want to spend it on? She wants to use this spending on additional passenger jets for Congressional travel! There is NO reason for this exorbitant spending, and I will stand in staunch opposition to any bill like this that comes to the floor of Congress.

The second issue of concern is that the White House has asked Congress to approve a measure to increase the Federal Debt Limit to $12.1 Million Dollars!!! If the stimulus package worked as promised, why do we need to increase our debt limit? Why is our debt going to be more than $10 Trillion dollars?! As more Americans continue to declare bankruptcy, our Congress continues to spend with reckless abandon. This is NOT the type of fiscal responsibility that America needs to blossom in the next decades.

Third, we have Congressional leaders from BOTH parties who are using tax payer money for "business related travel". While costing the tax payers $500,000, a recent group of politicians flew to a foreign country to discuss the effects of global warming. While there, they were photographed snorkeling and spending our money on activities UNRELATED to their jobs. We have another group who are prepared to fly to the UK for a meeting with Parliament (but what else are they going to do while there?). My proposal would be to make certain that any travel expenses for business purposes are used for just For example, Congress won't be meeting with Parliament for a whole week, so they should be forced to make the trip shorter. If they refuse, then I will propose that for all the money a politician spends of taxpayer money for additional outings should be repayed to the American taxpayer. If politicians want to do other activities while traveling, that is fine, but they should use their own money for non work-related junkets. This will help to reign in needless government travel and save the taxpayers money that they worked so hard to earn.

Now, the Obama administration and Congress wants to push this healthcare bill down our throats. After passing Cap and Trade (which Congressman Cooper supported), this healthcare bill will increase costs another $1.3 Trillion. America can't afford it and we are mad as hell!! If we have to live on a budget, Congress should do the same.

My proposals to counter these measures are as follows:

First, I will steadfastly OPPOSE ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until Congress reins in its spending. This will include balancing the budget and growing the economy through the creation of private sector jobs and tax cuts for each income earner.

Second, we need to post PUBLICLY which politicians place pork in specific bills and with the amounts that they are spending. Then, we need to pass a law limiting, if not eliminating completely, needless government earmarks and spending. If we are discussing a bill on education, for example, we do not need to place in the bill a measure to protect the Tennessee Snail Darter fish! We should immediately vote to impeach any politician in grave violation of these finance rules, including members of my own party.

Third, I will make a proposal to audit the IRS and the Fed. If the American people are forced to pay taxes and are punished for excess spending, the Federal Government should do the same.

These are a few of the steps we need to take to reform Washington DC. Our politicians have spent us into massive debt and its time for them to take responsibility for their irresponsibility. Enough is enough. I ask each of you to stand with me as I fight for the people of America and of the 5th Congressional District. This will be a tough fight as Congress has never met a spending bill it didn't like...but this is a fight that needs to be won. I intend to fight it and I intend to WIN!

God Bless all of you. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to making America the greatest nation on earth.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We the people...

My friends,

For the past week or so, Americans have flocked to town hall meetings to protest the terrible healthcare bill currently being proposed by Congress. However, some of our opponents label these citizens as wackos, and the House Speaker even went so far as to say that those of us who attend these meetings carry Swastikas. There is nothing more quintessentially American than our First Amendment rights to Assemble and to Speak. Yet, there are those who believe our voices should be silent just because we disagree with their positions on these issues. While the majority of the gathered have done so peacefully, a handful of Leftist thugs have turned violent, even beating a man with whom they disagreed. This is NOT peaceful dissent nor the American way!

What makes me even more upset than all of this however, is three-fold: First, the Obama White House has sent out an e-mail to his supporters asking them to "turn in" citizens that disagree with his healthcare bill. This is a very, very blatant attempt to silence "WE THE PEOPLE". The second thing that upsets me is that many of our Congressmen have not even read the bill that they are trying to pass into law! This is a travesty! You would think that our elected representatives would actually read the bills that they want to pass onto the American public. Rest assured, that I will read the bills that are presented to Congress and I will present its details to the people of the 5th District. Lastly, many of our elected officials, Congressman Cooper included, either refuse to meet with the voters or refuse to set a specific time, date and place to meet in order to hear our concerns!

My fellow voter, I will never shy away from meeting with you. I will not hide behind veiled rhetoric and I will welcome dissent and questions. This is why politicians are serve "WE THE PEOPLE". I hope you will give me an opportunity to defend our Constitution and to serve you in Congress as your humble servant.

Thank you all for your interest and your time. God bless you all.