Friday, September 25, 2009

National Security

The basic premise of US National Security is to protect this nation and her people from ALL enemies foreign and domestic. In the past few months we have seen a startling dismantling of our National Defense capabilities. We MUST do whatever it takes to defend this nation. It doesn't matter to me if our enemies or "allies" don't like some of our actions, what matters is that the President and Congress does everything possible to keep Americans safe. So, here are a few of my proposals for the defense of our nation:

- We MUST maintain our missile defense capabilities in Europe and the United States in order to protect from incoming missile attacks. I will continue to SUPPORT funding for a missile defense shield and for further testing on all weapons designed to protect and defend our soldiers and our country.

- While I do NOT completely support all aspects of the Patriot Act, I do believe that we SHOULD maintain the right of our Federal authorities to monitor calls to/from suspected terrorists that are coming into this country. This is NOT a matter of civil liberties, this is a matter of national defense. We SHOULD NOT give civil liberties to those bent on the destruction of our nation.

- We MUST continue to set aside the necessary funding to modernize and build our military, their weapons and their defenses

- Although we CAN NOT be policemen for the world, I do believe in US military intervention ONLY when US National interests are threatened.

- We must protect those agencies and AGENTS who work to protect and defend our national security. We CAN NOT jeopardize these agencies simply for partisan political reasons...any politician who seeks to indict our CIA, FBI, NSA or any other agency simply for political gain WILL BE indicted for TREASON.

- We must do whatever is necessary to defend our border...which means CLOSING our borders to illegal aliens, drug cartels, gangs and terrorists who seek to hide in the United States.

- I SUPPORT military tribunals for captured enemy combatants. I also SUPPORT detaining prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. We must NOT, as some legislators have proposed, allow these captured enemy combatants to be given DUE PROCESS or to serve time in American jails!

- I DID NOT support the cutting of funds for the F-22 Raptors, to the contrary, I believe we should be building more machines designed to protect this nation.

- WE MUST wipe out those enemies who are bent on the destruction of America. We can not engage the enemy and then not finish what we started.

- WE NEED to support our allies, and most especially, provide unified and unwavering SUPPORT for Israel (albeit military or otherwise). We CAN NOT allow the Israeli's be attacked by those bent on the destruction of Israel and its allies.

- WE MUST NOT negotiate with terrorists, terrorist nations or nations who aid terrorists. We should be able to use force to destroy NUCLEAR REACTORS and other WMD that seek to destroy America and her allies.

- We MUST stop relying on the Middle East for oil. We can not keep funding those who supported the 9/11 Hijackers. The Saudi's ARE NOT our friends and we desperately need to find alternative fuel sources in order to end our dependence on foreign oil.

- We MUST close the debt gap with the Communist Chinese. We have got to figure out a way to keep more of our jobs here in the United States rather than allowing the Chinese to completely own American assets and interests.

- Finally, we NEED politicians to STOP pandering to the UN, OPEC and other foreign groups who do NOT have the interests of the USA in their minds. We MUST listen to our military commanders and give them the resources they need to adequately complete their missions.

My Plan for Governement Spending

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has already spent America into a 1.3 trillion dollar debt that we can not repay! Not only will our children and grandchildren be in debt of nearly $37,000 per person, but by the end of 2012, our debt will be greater than 12 TRILLION dollars!

We MUST reign in such reckless government spending. It is unfathomable to continue taking money from the American taxpayer when few jobs are created, home foreclosures are rising and our debt continues to increase!

My plan to reign in government spending is as follows:

First: We MUST hold our government officials accountable for their reckless spending. I will do this by proposing legislation that will identify by name ANY and ALL of the politicians who add EXCESSIVE earmarks and spending into the bills.

Second: We MUST not allow our government to continue bailing out big corporations or industries that are going bankrupt! We, as Americans, understand how to live and work within a budget, so should these companies. Rather than supporting those who are irresponsible, we must REWARD and INCENTIVIZE American businesses and citizens that are successful.

Third: We MUST stop the excessive influence of certain lobbyists and interest groups. I do not believe that they should cease participation in our government process, but I will ask that these companies be identified and fully vetted BEFORE they influence policy legislation. I will make a law dictating that any politician who seeks to add earmarks from a certain interest group, allow the American people to voice any concern or opposition for at least one week BEFORE the legislation comes to the floor for a vote. I will also look to propose a bill MANDATING that Congressional leaders reveal how much these interest groups and lobbyists paid them personally or donated to their campaigns.

Fourth: I believe that we should AUDIT the Federal Reserve to see where our money is going and how it is being spent.

Fifth: We MUST stop exorbitant PERSONAL spending by our Congressional leaders. Congress should ONLY be allowed to use taxpayer money for "business" related trips such as: meeting foreign leaders, returning to their districts, etc. ANY and ALL personal expenses MUST be paid out of the Congressional leaders personal account! There should be NO taxpayer money used for personal and/or recreational activities while on business trips. I will seek to pass a law mandating that politicians pay for their own personal outings, etc that are not directly related to their jobs. If we find that tax payer money has been spent on personal outings, etc, then the politicians will be required to pay back the American people.

Finally: We MUST force Congress to pass each year a BALANCED budget! In order to make sure this happens, I will oppose ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until the budget is balanced, and we see TRUE and SUSTAINED economic growth with measurable job creation for our unemployed workers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The United Nations

As we watch the charade happening in NYC, I am struck by the sheer lunacy of American policy with regards to the United Nations. I DETEST the UN as an organization run by tyrants, thugs, Marxists and terrorists all of whom are bent on the destruction of Israel and of the West. You don't believe me? Try this on for size:

First, we have the President of Libya (a terrorist) speaking for the UN today. Second, we have the Iranian President making a speech in front of the General Assembly (at least the Canadians have enough guts to walk out on the Iranian leader). These are only a few examples of the leaders speaking today in front of the UN, but both are terrorists, both hate the US and both want to destroy Israel (in the case of the Iranian president, he denied the Holocaust even happened!). How can we allow leaders who promote the destruction of the West into the United States, much less to speak in front of the United Nations?! This is an outrage.

To make matters worse, we now have the head of the UN lecturing the US on Global Climate change and carbon emissions. The UN wants the US to support a cap on not only CEO pay, but also on carbon emissions! They are seeking to actively push "cap and trade" on the American people. Such rank hypocrisy should be exposed by the American delegation but alas, they will be silent. We should point out that the TWO BIGGEST polluters of the earth, China and India, are EXEMPT from these same standards! Why, then, should they demand the US to participate in this program when they, themselves, will not?!

Here is what I propose in regards to the UN: first, until the UN starts supporting Israel, the US and the Western world, we MUST seek to move the United Nations OUT of the United States. Why should Americans be forced to pay taxes to support an organization that does NOT support America? Second, the United States is the largest financial contributor to the UN...this is absurd. Until the UN cleans up its corruption and bans terrorist regimes from sitting on the Council, then we MUST cut our funding from the United Nations. Finally, if none of these policies are enacted, then we should at least keep leaders from terrorist nations OUT of the United States.

Will this happen? It won't as long as we have the current batch of weak-kneed legislators in Congress. WE MUST start supporting American interests, or our Republic will be in grave, grave danger.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The time to demand answers is NOW! I am outraged that an organization that supposedly "helps" minority communities and gets roughly $800 million in stimulus dollars isn't roundly condemned by our President or members of Congress. What we have been witnessing is a completely corrupt and CRIMINAL enterprise. How can ACORN have have the audacity of saying they are helping their communities when they are giving advice on criminal activities to their members: more specifically, tax fraud, prostitution, human trafficking...this is HORRENDOUS!

Yet, the bigger story is that we MUST stop corruption in Washington DC. Groups like ACORN, run by those with very close ties to the President and other members of Congress that give millions of dollars in campaign money to these candidates, aren't usually examined/regulated by those who are supposed to serve the people of this nation. This tacit support of ACORN is a slap in the face to our communities and to the Constitution of the United States.

So, we MUST DEMAND accountability from our Representatives in Congress. We as a free society CAN NOT and MUST NOT allow for such vile actions from groups supported by tax payer money. The problem is that with a biased media and with politicians who are bent on keeping their power, holding these groups accountable seldom happens if not for the brave actions of TRUE reporters. The ACORN story keeps changing and the organization will inevitably change it's name in order to stay in business, but this shouldn't be the case! These groups, with there accomplices in the media, are bullying those who speak the truth about their organization and expose them for the CRIMINAL enterprises that they truly are.

Obama behaved exactly like ACORN when he fired Van Jones in the middle of the night. While attacking their critics, both the President and ACORN quietly got rid of those who were "distractions"...yet, they refuse to answer the questions as to WHY these people were fired and WHY they were allowed in these organizations or surrounding the President. I DEMAND ANSWERS because it is our right to know what is going on...with ACORN and other groups associated with Congressional leaders.

It seems strange that all of the sudden, after these allegations surfaced, that the President made a slight retreat away from ACORN claiming ignorance to their funding and to their actions...interesting because he used to work with ACORN. It is also a group funded by a major Democrat donor in George Soros. So, where is the accountability? Why did we have SEVEN Democrat Senators vote to still fund a group like ACORN? If we know that this is a criminal organization, wouldn't these Senators be duplicitous in these crimes? And why didn't the President say that he was OUTRAGED and DISGUSTED by what happened at ACORN?

These are questions that I want answered. These are questions that must be asked by our leaders....yet, many remain silent. The American people deserve better...we DESERVE true and honest leadership. Hopefully, the elections of 2010 will be a reminder that "We the People" still have power in America.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Liberty vs. Tyranny

On the back of Mark Levin's tremendous book "Liberty and Tyranny, a Conservative Manifesto" is a quote by President Abraham Lincoln. This is a very appropriate quote for the politics of this nation when Liberal Statists and Republican "Neo-Statists" are watching the demise of our great Republic.

Lincoln wrote: "We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for mean to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name-liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names-liberty and tyranny."

President Lincoln is in short criticizing BIG INTRUSIVE and Socialist government while supporting liberty and a free market system. Our politicians need to stop pandering to those who seek to redistribute our wealth and start focusing on making America an even freer and stronger free market nation. Unfortunately, while the Democratic Party believes in the "doing as they want with the other man's labor" the Republicans have been guilty of much of the same. Enough is enough! We must fight for the preservation of our values and the salvation of our Republic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tea Party

I am proud of the over 1 million people who filled the streets of Washington DC in order to rally against the fiscal irresponsibility of this Administration and the Congress. This truly shows that Americans are willing to defend and protect this nation from politicians who are hellbent on ruining America. I thank God that these 1 million "racists" (as described by some Democrats) are rallying to bring America back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers. I, too, stand in solidarity with these brave men and women. I hope this sends a message to Congress...either listen to the people or get voted out!

Congress has forgotten that they serve US, not the other way around. Great work Tea Party express people! Let's continue to keep up pressure on Congress!

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years thoughts on 9/11/2001

We all know where we were or what we were doing the morning of Sept. 1, 2001. The night before, my college roommate and I sat down to watch Monday Night Football on ABC...we were laughing and having a good time...we never expected waking up to the horror that confronted us on Tuesday morning.

I won't elaborate on the events of 9/11 or reminisce about where I was and what was I doing. I won't mention my roller coaster of emotions, my tears and fears, my anger and my pride. I am so thankful that we had President Bush as our leader during this time...I know that God puts great men in positions of leadership in the right moments, and, despite his other flaws, Bush was the right man at the right time for America. His steady hand, his bravery, his resolve and his obvious love for America was a comfort to me during our darkest hours.

The thing I remember most (and one of my most touching moments), however, is that my father, an American citizen who was born in Chile, said that for the first time on 9/11 he felt truly American. He has always loved this country and all of the great things it had provided for he and his family, but now, he, like so many of us rose up and declared himself first and foremost an American.

Out of the ashes, America rose like a Phoenix. We were strong, united and dedicated to the eradication of evil in our world. Unfortunately, many of us have forgotten what it felt like on 9/11...what it felt like to be attacked, but more importantly, what it felt like to stand united in defense of our nation.

Today, President Obama has declared a national day of service. Rather than honoring and remembering those who died in 9/11 and the heroes who died protecting our country, we are now supposed to focus on "Community organizing". This is an appalling affront to Americans like myself who already see this administration as one which doesn't truly appreciate what it means to be Americans.

So, for the sake of President Obama and all other Americans, I will say this:

Thank God for America. Thank God for allowing us to live in the greatest and freest nation in the world. I am more proud than words can say to be living in the USA, and I ALWAYS have been (unlike our President's wife). This is the greatest nation on earth....the greatest nation in the history of mankind.

The greatness of America was shown to the world on 9/11/2001 not by any leader or major figure in our was reflected in the firefighters, police officers, EMT's and any of the other brave men and women, who when faced with terror, darkness and iminent death, ran into burning and collapsing buildings to save their fellow citizens. It was reflected in those men and women who took a moment to pray for their co-workers...knowing that in death, they could help others achieve eternal Salvation. It was reflected in one message recorded by Todd Beamer when he said "Let's roll" and helped take down a plane before it crashed into the White House. It was those brave Americans who fought back, who refused to succumb to the wishes of those bent on our was the bravey of these people that reminded me of the bravery of our soldiers, the of "Boys of Ponte du Hoc" on Normandy Beach, the men who stood in defiance at the bridge in Lexington and Concord and died defending our country and our freedom.

This is what I reflect upon during this anniversary of 9/11. I am reminded of the courage and bravery of our leaders, and, more importantly, of our people. I am truly proud to be an American. I will never forget; I will never stop fighting for our nation; I will always REMEMBER.