Friday, September 25, 2009

My Plan for Governement Spending

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has already spent America into a 1.3 trillion dollar debt that we can not repay! Not only will our children and grandchildren be in debt of nearly $37,000 per person, but by the end of 2012, our debt will be greater than 12 TRILLION dollars!

We MUST reign in such reckless government spending. It is unfathomable to continue taking money from the American taxpayer when few jobs are created, home foreclosures are rising and our debt continues to increase!

My plan to reign in government spending is as follows:

First: We MUST hold our government officials accountable for their reckless spending. I will do this by proposing legislation that will identify by name ANY and ALL of the politicians who add EXCESSIVE earmarks and spending into the bills.

Second: We MUST not allow our government to continue bailing out big corporations or industries that are going bankrupt! We, as Americans, understand how to live and work within a budget, so should these companies. Rather than supporting those who are irresponsible, we must REWARD and INCENTIVIZE American businesses and citizens that are successful.

Third: We MUST stop the excessive influence of certain lobbyists and interest groups. I do not believe that they should cease participation in our government process, but I will ask that these companies be identified and fully vetted BEFORE they influence policy legislation. I will make a law dictating that any politician who seeks to add earmarks from a certain interest group, allow the American people to voice any concern or opposition for at least one week BEFORE the legislation comes to the floor for a vote. I will also look to propose a bill MANDATING that Congressional leaders reveal how much these interest groups and lobbyists paid them personally or donated to their campaigns.

Fourth: I believe that we should AUDIT the Federal Reserve to see where our money is going and how it is being spent.

Fifth: We MUST stop exorbitant PERSONAL spending by our Congressional leaders. Congress should ONLY be allowed to use taxpayer money for "business" related trips such as: meeting foreign leaders, returning to their districts, etc. ANY and ALL personal expenses MUST be paid out of the Congressional leaders personal account! There should be NO taxpayer money used for personal and/or recreational activities while on business trips. I will seek to pass a law mandating that politicians pay for their own personal outings, etc that are not directly related to their jobs. If we find that tax payer money has been spent on personal outings, etc, then the politicians will be required to pay back the American people.

Finally: We MUST force Congress to pass each year a BALANCED budget! In order to make sure this happens, I will oppose ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until the budget is balanced, and we see TRUE and SUSTAINED economic growth with measurable job creation for our unemployed workers.