Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The United Nations

As we watch the charade happening in NYC, I am struck by the sheer lunacy of American policy with regards to the United Nations. I DETEST the UN as an organization run by tyrants, thugs, Marxists and terrorists all of whom are bent on the destruction of Israel and of the West. You don't believe me? Try this on for size:

First, we have the President of Libya (a terrorist) speaking for the UN today. Second, we have the Iranian President making a speech in front of the General Assembly (at least the Canadians have enough guts to walk out on the Iranian leader). These are only a few examples of the leaders speaking today in front of the UN, but both are terrorists, both hate the US and both want to destroy Israel (in the case of the Iranian president, he denied the Holocaust even happened!). How can we allow leaders who promote the destruction of the West into the United States, much less to speak in front of the United Nations?! This is an outrage.

To make matters worse, we now have the head of the UN lecturing the US on Global Climate change and carbon emissions. The UN wants the US to support a cap on not only CEO pay, but also on carbon emissions! They are seeking to actively push "cap and trade" on the American people. Such rank hypocrisy should be exposed by the American delegation but alas, they will be silent. We should point out that the TWO BIGGEST polluters of the earth, China and India, are EXEMPT from these same standards! Why, then, should they demand the US to participate in this program when they, themselves, will not?!

Here is what I propose in regards to the UN: first, until the UN starts supporting Israel, the US and the Western world, we MUST seek to move the United Nations OUT of the United States. Why should Americans be forced to pay taxes to support an organization that does NOT support America? Second, the United States is the largest financial contributor to the UN...this is absurd. Until the UN cleans up its corruption and bans terrorist regimes from sitting on the Council, then we MUST cut our funding from the United Nations. Finally, if none of these policies are enacted, then we should at least keep leaders from terrorist nations OUT of the United States.

Will this happen? It won't as long as we have the current batch of weak-kneed legislators in Congress. WE MUST start supporting American interests, or our Republic will be in grave, grave danger.