Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Note to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

As an American and now as a candidate for the US House of Representatives, I want to send you this personal letter as someone who had family members in the Armed Forces.

Mr. President, your treatment of our military in Afghanistan is utterly reprehensible. I do not know whether you simply hate our military, whether you are trying to appease your radical Leftist base or whether you are so single-mindedly naive and ignorant, that you are not fit to be the Commander of Chief of our great Republic. It should not have taken you more than one day to answer the request by YOUR general, Bill McCrystal; yet, it took you several months to finally come to a "decision" on troop levels in Afghanistan. The General even asked you for 40,000 additional troops and you only gave him slightly over 31000; that is deplorable! It is BECAUSE of INDECISIVE COWARDS like yourself that our too many of our young men and women die in combat.

Now, you will come on national television, your speech already written for you on your teleprompter, to let the American people know that you have FINALLY made a decision about our troops. To make matters worse, you will then lecture us on the importance of the fight in which we are engaged! I know that the majority of Americans voted for you, but do you really think of us as being so stupid as to not know why we are fighting?

It is you, sir, whose Cabinet has renamed our War on Terror an "Overseas Contingency Operation"; it is your Cabinet that calls the events of 9/11 a "man-made disaster". It is YOU Mr. President who failed to address the shooting at Ft. Hood and then had the gall to speak to our troops on the tragedy of that day. It is YOU who has made a mockery of Sept. 11 by allowing terrorist mastermind of 9/11 to be given a trial in New York City; and it is YOU, sir, who has moved enemy combatants from Guantanamo Bay and afforded them the same Constitutional rights granted to American citizens!

Mr. President, your policies are disgraceful and I will do everything in my power to defeat your radical agenda when I am in Congress. Lest you forget, it is those same troops who you claim to "respect" that are dying so that you may be our President!

So, in conclusion Mr. President, the next time our military and our Commanding General ask for additional troops so that we can win the War in Afghanistan, GIVE HIM WHAT HE NEEDS! It shouldn't take you 3 months to decide your course of action...American Troops have died because of your ineptitude.

Sincerely yours,

Patrick Miranda

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Corruption and Transparency

American voters are skeptical of politicians in Washington because for far too long, our Congressional leaders believe that their seats of power and influence make them invincible and "above the law". Jim Cooper seems to have been a politician who has kept his nose out of trouble, yet, there are some key distinctions between our records on corruption and transparency in the government:

Most recently, Jim Cooper voted AGAINST the Rangel Amendment which would have stripped a sitting Congressman (who is embroiled in corruption charges and scandals) of his committee chairmanship. He voted in favor of Charlie Rangel, simply because his PARTY affiliation was more important that doing the right thing for the American people. I would have voted WITHOUT hesitation, or reservation, to remove Chairman Rangel from his position. For the sake of consistency, I would have also voted to throw out Governor Sanford in SC and ANY Republican that is involved with corrupt and/or dishonest activities. It is time that we, as politicians and Americans, put our party loyalties aside and actually FIGHT for the American people and strive to PRESERVE the dignity of the office that we seek.

My solution to this problem would be to begin impeachment charges against ANY and ALL politician that is known to have broken American laws simply because they are Congressional leaders. I would seek to make these leaders PAY BACK the American taxpayers for all of the money spent by this politician while in office. In Congressman Rangel's case, I would have asked him to repay all of his salary and bonuses to a school in need in his Harlem District. This would not only rid our Congress of a corrupt politician, but it would also benefit those who need help the most.

I would also seek to mandate that all Congressional activities are made public and COMPLETELY transparent so that our voters may be able to see what is going on in Washington. This includes ANY records of those Congressional leaders who are under investigation for illegal activities. Finally, if it is not already mandated, I would make it mandatory for our Congressional leaders and our President to dress in suits, coats, nice dresses, etc, when in the Halls of Congress or in the Oval Office. These are positions of respect and they deserve to be treated that way.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A fresh voice

I have been asked why I am running for Congress and my answer is simple: I believe that America is still a great nation but that we need news ideas, new voices, fresh faces and a fighting spirit in Congress. I am afraid that the greatest generation will be left without Medicare while my children will be left to foot the deficit created by our Federal government. Enough is enough!

My vision for America is that our nation is truly a "City Upon a Hill". The problem is the massive encroachment of government into every aspect of American lives and this creates a country with fewer freedoms.

I am running for office to protect and defend our American way of life...our freedoms and our liberties. I am running because I see the greatness of America in her people, NOT in the Federal Government. I understand that opportunity and growth are created by the free market and with American ingenuity. It is for these reasons that I am running to serve you in Congress.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Black Tuesday...for Democrats that is

My fellow Sons and Daughters of Liberty,

Tomorrow we will see the first shots fired in the war to take back our nation. We have overcome one obstacle by defeating the GOP in NY with their Leftist candidate; now, we must unite and get Doug Hoffman elected. Let's send a message not only to the Democrats in Congress, but also, to the party heads at GOP Central. Here is the message:

We want our country back! We want the Republic given to us by our Founding Fathers! We want limited government and free markets. We WANT to salvage the American dream. We can't do this with the current leadership in Washington OR in the Republican Party. While the Democrats veer more and more leftward, the National Republican Party wants to follow suit. Note to these people: WE THE PEOPLE are SICK and TIRED of moderates and Leftists destroying our nation! We will take our nation back...starting TOMORROW!

Voters in NJ, VA and NY, the choice is yours...continue on the same path which is ruining our Republic, or vote for candidates who will fight to restore our great nation. I send out my sincerest best wishes to Christie, McDonnell and Hoffman...let's roll!