Monday, August 10, 2009

More reckless spending of OUR money...

My fellow voters,

Today, we got a report from the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) which stated that the United States increased its debt by $181 Billion dollars in July alone. This increase in spending pushed our economy to over $1.3 Trillion in debt! That is NOT fiscal responsibility. At this rate, Congressional spending will saddle the American taxpayer with over $10.3 Trillion in debt before President Obama is out of office. My simple question for our politicians is how are we going to pay for this debt? Why are you spending so much money that our children and grandchildren will grow up having to pay for our recklessness! The irresponsible spending has got to stop. Today, however, I read additional reports that ANGERED me even more than the Stimulus spending....these examples will show how out of touch the politicians are with the American taxpayer. They have already hit the TVA hard, so who will be next?

The first issue of this reckless spending comes directly from Speaker Pelosi. In a Wall Street Journal column from August 10, 2009, Nanacy Pelosi and company proposed to spend an additional $550 MILLION of our hard earned money. What does she want to spend it on? She wants to use this spending on additional passenger jets for Congressional travel! There is NO reason for this exorbitant spending, and I will stand in staunch opposition to any bill like this that comes to the floor of Congress.

The second issue of concern is that the White House has asked Congress to approve a measure to increase the Federal Debt Limit to $12.1 Million Dollars!!! If the stimulus package worked as promised, why do we need to increase our debt limit? Why is our debt going to be more than $10 Trillion dollars?! As more Americans continue to declare bankruptcy, our Congress continues to spend with reckless abandon. This is NOT the type of fiscal responsibility that America needs to blossom in the next decades.

Third, we have Congressional leaders from BOTH parties who are using tax payer money for "business related travel". While costing the tax payers $500,000, a recent group of politicians flew to a foreign country to discuss the effects of global warming. While there, they were photographed snorkeling and spending our money on activities UNRELATED to their jobs. We have another group who are prepared to fly to the UK for a meeting with Parliament (but what else are they going to do while there?). My proposal would be to make certain that any travel expenses for business purposes are used for just For example, Congress won't be meeting with Parliament for a whole week, so they should be forced to make the trip shorter. If they refuse, then I will propose that for all the money a politician spends of taxpayer money for additional outings should be repayed to the American taxpayer. If politicians want to do other activities while traveling, that is fine, but they should use their own money for non work-related junkets. This will help to reign in needless government travel and save the taxpayers money that they worked so hard to earn.

Now, the Obama administration and Congress wants to push this healthcare bill down our throats. After passing Cap and Trade (which Congressman Cooper supported), this healthcare bill will increase costs another $1.3 Trillion. America can't afford it and we are mad as hell!! If we have to live on a budget, Congress should do the same.

My proposals to counter these measures are as follows:

First, I will steadfastly OPPOSE ANY and ALL Congressional pay raises until Congress reins in its spending. This will include balancing the budget and growing the economy through the creation of private sector jobs and tax cuts for each income earner.

Second, we need to post PUBLICLY which politicians place pork in specific bills and with the amounts that they are spending. Then, we need to pass a law limiting, if not eliminating completely, needless government earmarks and spending. If we are discussing a bill on education, for example, we do not need to place in the bill a measure to protect the Tennessee Snail Darter fish! We should immediately vote to impeach any politician in grave violation of these finance rules, including members of my own party.

Third, I will make a proposal to audit the IRS and the Fed. If the American people are forced to pay taxes and are punished for excess spending, the Federal Government should do the same.

These are a few of the steps we need to take to reform Washington DC. Our politicians have spent us into massive debt and its time for them to take responsibility for their irresponsibility. Enough is enough. I ask each of you to stand with me as I fight for the people of America and of the 5th Congressional District. This will be a tough fight as Congress has never met a spending bill it didn't like...but this is a fight that needs to be won. I intend to fight it and I intend to WIN!

God Bless all of you. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to making America the greatest nation on earth.