Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cap and Trade

My fellow Tennesseans,

A quick update on the Waxman/Markey Climate bill (aka, Cap and trade). This plan to enforce yet more taxes on the people of this nation will eliminate, according to some estimates, several thousand jobs in our state. Already, we know that it will affect the functionings of the TVA and our farmers. If Congress continues to past bills that increase taxes on energy, that will hurt EVERY consumer; some reports have an average American household paying more than $1200 ADDITIONAL dollars a month for electricity in their houses! With unemployment at almost 10%, taking this much additional income away from average Americans is a travesty! There are better and more efficient ways to create an efficient energy policy (which I will outline later). My opponent originally voted for the Cap and Trade bill in Congress...he voted party line rather than for the interest of our state. Rest assured, that if any bill caused thousands of Tennesseans to lose their jobs, then I would fight extra hard to protect these hard working Americans. Jim Cooper should do the same.