Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Novel idea...give it BACK to the PEOPLE

My friends,

Today, I heard a report that in a short time, the federal deficit will be at $11.3 trillion, which roughly translates to $37,000 for EVERY American.

First of all, it is appalling that EVERY American will either be in debt, or be behind, $37,000 because the government can not control its spending! But, I have a solution:

How about make a law that says since our deficit would be the equivalent of $37,000 for each American, why not just give a $37,000 check to each American?! Not only would this stimulate the economy, but it would also help those who need help the most.

I know this is not feasible because it is money we now owe, but rather than spending so much on failed Liberal programs, why not give the money back to the American people? After all, it is the government who is stealing from the American taxpayer.