Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Government of the people?

My fellow Patriots,

Today we learned that President Obama and the Democrats have been handsomely rewarding their BIGGEST donors with privileges not shared by us ORDINARY Americans. These big donors even have access to the Presidents advisors and input on policy decisions! How can we expect transparency in government when we don't even know the people who are affecting the decisions of our policy makers?! To make matters worse, how can these politicians honestly tell us that they represent the common American when they are admittedly beholden to special interest groups and HUGE campaign donors? This type of patronage must STOP!

I, Patrick Miranda, do pledge that I will not grant special access, especially with regards to policy decisions, to a SELECT FEW who have money. My campaign is about reforming the political system in Washington, and if the big donors don't like it, then that is tough! I will represent the people of the Tennessee Fifth District and the people of the United States...not the special interest groups who run Washington!